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Tag Archives: vegetable

Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

Fried Green Tomatoes are crispy, tangy, and a delicious way to eat all those fresh garden tomatoes before they turn ripe. If you are like me you have plenty of green tomatoes on your tomato plants right now. Now is your chance to give this

Spicy Vegan Udon Noodle Soup

Making homemade soup is my specialty. So creating this simple Spicy Vegan Udon Noodle Soup was a breeze. Using Fortune Original Flavor Udon Noodles is what makes it so simple. The flavor pack adds all the seasoning you’ll need. You can add fresh veggies and/or

How to Freeze Fresh Corn

Fresh Corn is at its peak right now and it’s especially sweet and tender. Freezing is a great way to preserve it. I went out early this morning, wanting to meet the corn truck at the local farmer’s stand. I love to be there when

Creamy Cucumber Tomato Salad

My husband and I eat tons of fresh vegetables, especially when the weather gets warmer. We love this creamy cucumber tomato salad or some variation to it. It’s simple to put together at the end of a busy day, plus it tastes delicious! Sorry, I’ve

Simple Seasoned Green Beans

When I cook and eat vegetables I don’t particularly like them covered in cheese or smothered with butter. I enjoy tasting the actual vegetable’s flavor. On Thanksgiving, I wanted to prepare fresh greens bean but not the traditional “green bean casserole”. I ended up making a

Cheesy Cauliflower Bake

I’m back! So sorry to have been absent lately. I came down with the flu on Christmas eve and haven’t been well since. Today I am happy to say I am feeling great and ready to get this New Year started. I have so many

Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Bacon

  First, let me start by saying, my husband is in heaven with all the bacon recipes I am sharing this month. As bacon month continues today I’m going to share a recipe guaranteed to make those brussel sprouts extra delicious. I really I really

Simple Tomato Sauce for Spaghetti

The best part of summer by far is the ability to walk into my own backyard, pick a couple different vegetables, bring them into my home, and make dinner. That is something that makes me happy. 🙂 Today I want to share a Simple Tomato

Cheesy Cauliflower Fritters

My daughter shared this recipe with me (never thought I’d say that, but dreams do come true my daughter can actually cook), she said she found it on Pinterest. It’s always nice to find a different way to cook a vegeatble. Cauliflower is low in fat,

Backyard Gardening 6/5 ~ Herbs

The weather has been very nice this spring. Not to hot and plenty of rain. I have been outside working in the garden or just sitting outside enjoying it. I have actually been blogging less these past couple of months. There have been many personal

Oven Roasted Asparagus

This is the time of year when you can get a really good deal on asparagus. They are coming into season in my area. Most the local food store will have them on sale for around $.99 lb Normally I would steam or cooked them

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Fresh Corn on the Grill

Spent some time with the grand kids this week. It was still pretty hot so they spent  most of the time playing with water. They play so hard they wear themselves out. Me too.     It’s mid July and we are grilling like crazy.

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Sugar Snap Peas with Fresh Parmesan

I can’t believe it’s Thursday already! Sometimes it feels like there are not enough hours in the day. I usually have to remind myself to slow down… I wanted to post this recipe for sugar snap peas before I left for work today. We had them

Simple Sweet & Tangy Coleslaw

Since today is St. Patrick’s Day I decided to post a recipe using cabbage. Not sure how cabbage got to be a favorite at St. Patrick’s Day. Maybe because of the corned beef and cabbage you hear so much about.  Coleslaw is a summertime favorite

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Making Vegetable Stock

Pustynny nie odczuwać nie~ Waste not want not…one of my mother’s favorite sayings. “pustynny nie odczuwać nie” (think I have my translation right) is how she would say it in polish. I can still hear her many polish sayings running through my head from time to

Storing Tomatoes – Kitchen Tips

Storing Tomatoes – Kitchen Tips Something that drives me crazy is when I see people storing tomatoes in the refrigerator. Have you ever eaten a tomato that has been stored this way? Yuck! Tomatoes get mushy and mealy when kept at a cooler temperature like

Oven Roasted Cauliflower

There are so many ways to cook cauliflower. Oven roasting gives the cauliflower a crunchy roasted flavor. Try it, I think you’ll like it as much as we do. I hardly ever steam cauliflower anymore. Did you know that cauliflower is high in vitamin C and

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Carrot Chips Baking vs Frying

I was shopping at our local Earth Fare and came across a container of Carrot Chips. They were kind of pricey for me so I thought I would give it a try to make them at home. I peeled and thinly sliced 2 carrots I made two