About Me
HI my name is Diane, thank you for stopping by my blog MamalDiane.com.
I am the youngest of 5 children, mom was 40 and dad 45 when I was born. I think I was a surprise. My closest sibling is 5 1/2 years older than I am. If you ask any of my brothers or sisters they would say I was spoiled as a child. I think my parents were just too tired to chase me so they just let me have my way. Lol.
I have been married for over 31 years to my best friend. We’ve been through so much together. We always come out stronger. We have 3 children that we have raised together. We have 5 grandchildren and 6 great grand children. The kids started calling me mamal Diane about 25 years ago. I love being a mamal. They give me great joy in life.On the blog, I like to share some of the things I do with my grand kids.
I am also a nature girl. I love being bra-less and barefoot. I love to hike and explore new places. Most mornings when I’m not working I like to head out to hike or take the kids to Learning Tree Farm.
I have lived in Ohio all my life. It’s a nice place and I enjoy living here. I like to explore the park system. We have beautiful parks all around us. They are so underused.
I also like to cook and share my recipes. I originally started the blog because we had my mom living with us. She had Alzheimer’s, she was with us for 15 years. She passed in October of 2013. I needed something to do while I had to be at home with mom. This blog was my escape. Now I enjoy reviewing products, doing sponsored posts along with sharing recipes. I am a big believer in green living, recycling, composting, gardening, and thrift store shopping. I’m not an expert on anything. What is the old saying? ” Jack of all trades, master of none.”
I hope you enjoy what you read here on my blog.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Have a fantastic and blessed day!
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