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My daughter shared this recipe with me (never thought I’d say that, but dreams do come true my daughter can actually cook), she said she found it on Pinterest. It’s always nice to find a different way to cook a vegeatble. Cauliflower is low in fat, low in carbohydrates, but high in dietary fiber, water, vitamin C and folate. It packs a big nutritional punch and it tastes good too. Especially in this recipe. It’s simple and even the kids should like these cheesy fritters.
You’ll need:
2 cups cooked (steamed) cauliflower chopped small
1/3 cup cheddar cheese
1 egg beaten
olive oil
a little salt and pepper to your taste
First steam your cauliflower. I use this neat little steamer basket.

Put the chopped cauliflower in the pot and steam until soft but not mushy, about 10 – 15 minutes.


In a large bow combine the cauliflower, cheese, beaten egg, salt and pepper.

Heat you olive oil in a frying pan over a medium high heat.

Add a scoop of the cauliflower mixture to the hot oil. You can use your hands if you want, I did and it made it easy to make a nice pattie.

Cook until nicely browned.

Turn and brown the other side 🙂

Pretty simple, but oh so good even the little ones will want more.

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