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All posts by Diane

Oven Roasted Asparagus

This is the time of year when you can get a really good deal on asparagus. They are coming into season in my area. Most the local food store will have them on sale for around $.99 lb Normally I would steam or cooked them

Full Pink Moon

Hey all you moon watchers. The moon will be full today at 3:57 PM est. Did you know that the Native Americans named the full moons? This month it’s named the full pink moon because it’s named after the herb moss pink, also known as

Sweet Italian Sausage Spaghetti Sauce

I’ve become pretty good at making spaghetti sauces. Each one a little different from the other. Today I want to share an easy spaghetti sauce recipe with sweet Italian sausage. You can make this quick or let it simmer in the crock pot all day.

Mazatlan’s Central Market

Welcome to my Wordless or not so Wordless Wednesday post. Today I want to share some more of my Mazatlan Mexico photos with you. In Mazatlan, there is a 4-mile walkway called The Malecon. It connects the old with the new. I wanted to spend

Homemade Pizza Sauce

I have been making my own pizza sauce for many years. It’s so simple, and you can freeze any leftover for the next pizza night. I buy certain herbs in bulk so I can make my own pizza sauce and taco seasoning. This year I

Parmesan Stuffed Fresh Mushrooms

I found this simple and delicious recipe for stuffed mushrooms in The Taste of South magazine. It calls for using a cast iron skillet which I love. Goes from stove top to oven. You’ll need: 18 medium sized mushrooms, stems removed 3/4 cup panko bread

Chicken Soup with Fresh Vegetables

I love making soup this time of year. It’s still cold and with so many people getting sick I figured making chicken soup is both good for you and comforting. This recipe is a variation of my regular chicken soup recipe. The difference is you

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Ground Beef Soup

I was searching for a recipe for ground beef one evening and looked at The Gathering Spot for inspiration and I found this delicious recipe using ground beef in soup. Debbie from Our Old Homestead called it Homemade Hearty Hamburger Soup. I like this type of soup because

Heart Shaped Meatloaf

Every Valentine’s Day since my children were small Ive made a heart shaped meatloaf and pink mashed potatoes for dinner. They loved it and now my grand kids love it too. You can use my recipe for meatloaf or use your own 🙂 You’ll need:

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Wordless Wednesday ~ Carnaval Mazatlan Mexico

Carnaval is an official Mexican holiday that kicks off a five-day celebration of the libido before the Catholic lent begins on Ash Wednesday. It’s a last indulgence of carnal pleasures that Catholics must give up for 40 days of fasting during Lent, from Ash Wednesday to

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Cooking Dry Beans

I thought since many of us have left over ham ( I have a ham with a wonderful bone to make some soup) that I would post a few ham recipes this week. Ham freezes nicely so you can freeze it today and make some of theses

Swiss Steak in the Slow Cooker

I was organizing my freezer and found some round steak that needed to be used. Round steak can be a little chewy so I like to prepare it in the slow cooker. I found a recipe in an old Betty Crocker cookbook. I adapted the recipe

Banana Bread

It seems like I always have pieces of bananas leftover after my  grandson Tyler who is 20 months old visits. Tyler likes to hold the whole banana peeled half way down when he eats it. When he gets to the peeling he stops eating. Even