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Tag Archives: homemade

Sloppy Joes

Over the holiday weekend we smoked  3 pork shoulders, 2 slabs of ribs, and a beef brisket in our smoker. We actually made it into an all night party with some friends. They guys stayed up all night tending the smoker and the ladies sat

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Cooking Dry Garbanzo Beans

Yesterday I spent a fun filled day with those two cuties. We worked in the garden a bit until we got rained out. Since I started my journey of eliminating processed foods I have been buying beans in bulk. I  cook a large batch and

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Bean and Ham Soup

Have you ever wondered what to do with that leftover ham bone?   I took my doggies to get a summer haircut. Meet Lily and Emma.I have just finished simmering the bean soup.It smells so good in the house today. It’s chilly outside and a perfect

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Growing my Easter Center Piece

  We usually have the family over to our house on the holidays. I like to look to the outdoors for things to decorate the table. Pine cones, flowers, twigs, things like that. This year I came across a post on growing Easter grass from regular grass seed. So I

Cabbage Rolls

    It’s my week for my mom to be staying at my house, which makes it a good time to make a big batch of cabbage rolls. I used to love watching my mom make the neat little rolls. I’ve been making them ever

Whole Wheat Brownies

Happy Sunday! I came across this verse from the bible this morning. It is one that reminds me to not be so controlling and worry about everything…who me??? It brings me great comfort and I hope it does the same for you.  “Trust in the

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Oven Baked Chicken Breast

I am a big fan out fried chicken. Picking up a bucket of chicken on a Sunday afternoon when you didn’t feel like cooking. Yum! Since I have changed my eating habits, not so much take out chicken. That’s alright because I make this oven baked

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Homemade Playdough

Homemade Play Dough I have tried to make playdough at home before with no success. It was a terrible failure and the grandkids were so disappointed. That recipe did not have me heating the ingredients. I decided to look around and came across several different

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Making Vegetable Stock

Pustynny nie odczuwać nie~ Waste not want not…one of my mother’s favorite sayings. “pustynny nie odczuwać nie” (think I have my translation right) is how she would say it in polish. I can still hear her many polish sayings running through my head from time to

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Chocolate Cake “My First”

I have always enjoyed cooking, but baking, not so much. My idea of homemade was opening a box adding eggs oil and water and bake. I always thought they tasted pretty good. I guess you don’t know what your missing until you have the real thing.