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Category Archives: Tips

14 Spring Cleaning Tips and More

It’s spring cleaning time again and I’m always looking for Spring Cleaning Tips. Anything to make the job easier. I’ve put together a list of… 14 Spring Cleaning Tips and More. I’ve had plenty of time these past few weeks to do a little spring

5 Reasons to Visit Kentucky Reptile Zoo

Tucked in between the mountains, in beautiful Slade, Kentucky, is the Kentucky Reptile Zoo. Not into reptiles? I didn’t know enough about reptiles to have an opinion. But I do now! I can give you at least 5 reasons to visit Kentucky Reptile Zoo Kentucky Reptile Zoo

Planning a Simple at Home Wedding

I’ve been very busy these last several weeks Planning a Simple Wedding at Home for my daughter. It’s been wonderful spending the extra time with her planning and shopping for her wedding. They decided they both wanted an intimate wedding at home with just immediate

Safety Checklist for Winter Driving

Sponsored December is fast approaching and I need to do a safety checklist for winter driving. I don’t want to be caught in my vehicle broken down, freezing cold, and not prepared. It seems the older I get the more prepared I am for what

Perfectly Cooked Bacon

I love eating bacon, I don’t love frying it on the stovetop. My son Sean recently shared with me how he cooks his bacon. It’s so nice to share cooking tips with my kids they are so grown up. Anyway, he told me he cooks

Balsamic Infused Strawberry Recipe

Nothing better than freshly picked  strawberries in the spring. These Balsamic Infused Strawberries are a healthy way to satisfy your hunger after an outdoor activity. Each day I try to make a conscious effort to live a more balanced life. Balanced to me is…  doing

10 Car Travel Ideas For Kids

Use Cookie Sheet as a Play Surface. Buy magnetic letters to spell words. DVD Player Handheld Games Books Healthy Snacks Sing Songs Pack a goodie bag for each kid with little dollar store surprises. Kids love little surprises. Play the old slug bug game except

Homemade Laundry Detergent

  Have you ever considered making your own laundry soap? If you haven’t you should. I have been making my own for over four years. I’ve always been able to get a pretty good deal on laundry soap. But this homemade laundry detergent recipe makes 2

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Milling Your Own Grains

I love bread, especially white bread. I know it isn’t the greatest thing to eat, but it is so darn good. As I’ve gotten older things kind of stick with you more then they used to ( if know what I mean ). So as

Storing Tomatoes – Kitchen Tips

Storing Tomatoes – Kitchen Tips Something that drives me crazy is when I see people storing tomatoes in the refrigerator. Have you ever eaten a tomato that has been stored this way? Yuck! Tomatoes get mushy and mealy when kept at a cooler temperature like

Slow Cooker Cooking Tips

Slow Cooker Cooking Tips I have been using a slow cooker/crock pot for as long as I can remember. The convenience is wonderful. I normally cook in my slow cooker 2 to 3 times a week. Especially on nights I am working late. I recently purchased a brand

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Using Herbs and Spices in Cooking

Since I have been cooking with more whole foods. I needed to learn more about using herbs and spices. I am trying to eliminate as much sodium as I can  so using herbs makes sense. It is a healthier way to flavor our food. I grow

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The Dirty Dozen

I have always wondered if buying organic is really that much more beneficial for you. I have been buying less processed foods. Buying more locally grown fruits and vegetables. Last summer I bought corn, green beans, and green peppers to freeze for the winter. The