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Tag Archives: Leftovers

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Cooking Dry Beans

I thought since many of us have left over ham ( I have a ham with a wonderful bone to make some soup) that I would post a few ham recipes this week. Ham freezes nicely so you can freeze it today and make some of theses

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Bean and Ham Soup

Have you ever wondered what to do with that leftover ham bone?   I took my doggies to get a summer haircut. Meet Lily and Emma.I have just finished simmering the bean soup.It smells so good in the house today. It’s chilly outside and a perfect

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Chicken Salad

When I have l left-over chicken I usually make chicken salad for my husband to take for lunch the next day or two. It’s really good and easy to make. Chicken Salad Leftover chicken (I used 2 left-over baked chicken breasts. I cleaned most of the