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Tag Archives: Outdoors

12 Easy Recipes for Camping

We’re planning our first camping trip for next weekend. We are all so excited. I love the planning part especially the meals. Eating is one of the highlights of camping. It seems like everything tastes better when you’re camping. I’m not sure if it’s because

5 Benefits of a Fen (Wetland)

Who knew something so small could be so beneficial. Today I’m sharing with you the 5 Benefits of a Fen. We moved into this neighborhood about 20 years ago. Our last child was about to finish high school, we lived within the city limits and

Checklist for Camping

We are gearing up for our first camping trip this weekend. Half the fun for me is the planning. When you go camping you want to have everything with you. Most campgrounds have small camper shops where you can pick up ice and wood. Everything

10 Tips for Camping with Kids

I spent this past weekend camping with my grand kids. It was their first trip. It was an adventure for sure. I have always been a camper and I love it. We decided to take the kids tent camping because we figured the youngest is