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Tag Archives: Homemade Cleaners

Homemade All Purpose Spray Cleaner

Cleaning products are so expensive. I used to would stock up on them when a sale was good and I had a coupon. I like the GreenWorks products. I came across this recipe on The Frugal Girls. I love it. It works great and there

Homemade Laundry Detergent

  Have you ever considered making your own laundry soap? If you haven’t you should. I have been making my own for over four years. I’ve always been able to get a pretty good deal on laundry soap. But this homemade laundry detergent recipe makes 2

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Homemade Foaming Dish Soap

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a big coupon user. I can’t imagine paying full price for any personal care items or household cleaners. I have always been able to get really great deals on those items. I have found that Dawn dish