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Tag Archives: green living

5 Benefits of a Fen (Wetland)

Who knew something so small could be so beneficial. Today I’m sharing with you the 5 Benefits of a Fen. We moved into this neighborhood about 20 years ago. Our last child was about to finish high school, we lived within the city limits and

13 All-Natural Uses for Dawn Soap

I am a huge fan of Dawn dish washing soap. It’s the only one I’ll buy. I shared a couple posts some time ago, showing you how to make Homemade Foaming Dish Soap and an All Purpose Spray Cleaner.   Did you know you can use Dawn in many

Homemade All Purpose Spray Cleaner

Cleaning products are so expensive. I used to would stock up on them when a sale was good and I had a coupon. I like the GreenWorks products. I came across this recipe on The Frugal Girls. I love it. It works great and there