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Tag Archives: Gift

Strawberry Ice Cream Cake

My family loves ice cream cakes. They can be pretty expensive so I thought I would try to make my own. First, let me warn you mine will not be as pretty as the store bought kind. I don’t have the time or the patience

White Chocolate Cereal Snack Mix

    As I was making my Cereal Snack Bars for another post I kept eating bites of the granola cereal and I thought to myself, this would be really  good covered in a light coating of white chocolate. So after I finished making the snack

Christmas Crunch

I decided to take a break from baking today and make this pretty popcorn, pretzel mix that I’m calling Christmas Crunch. I found this recipe on Pinterest. Love Pinterest! This would make a great homemade gift. It’s also super easy so that the kids can