5 Health Benefits of Walking Everyday
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I was diagnosed in April of 2023 with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. I am a former smoker, I quit smoking in December of 1999. Not all lung cancers are a result of smoking cigarettes, even non-smokers need to be aware and possibly be tested for it.
During the years before my diagnosis, I was having shortness of breath. I chalked it up to not being active enough or getting older. It didn’t get better it got worse until in January of 2023 I came down with what I thought was a cold except I couldn’t seem to ever be over it. I went to see my primary care physician and she ordered a chest x-ray and referred me to a pulmonologist. As soon as the results of the chest x-ray came back they saw something on the films and sent me for a CT scan and a PET scan. I was also scheduled for a bronchoscopy.

To make a long story short a few months later I received my diagnosis of NSCLC stage 3. I was terrified of the future but decided my future would be what I make of it. I am determined to live a long cancer-free life. I am now in the last few months of Immunotherapy after doing six rounds of chemotherapy and 30 radiation treatments. It was a challenging journey and I have learned many things about myself and those around me. I believe in the power of positive thinking and looking on the “bright side” of things.

Today I feel better than I have in years. I started walking and exercising daily. I feel fabulous. Walking is my go-to for exercise and stress relief. I enjoy walking in my neighborhood and our local parks. I am fortunate to live near many large parks with hiking trails. There is nothing better for the soul than walking outdoors and enjoying nature.

Now is the time to slip on your shoes, get out, and walk.
5 Health Benefits of Walking Every Day
- Walking improves your body, strengthens your heart, and boosts your energy.
- Walking helps maintain weight and burn calories.
- Walking improves your mood and can help you feel more creative.
- Walking can alleviate joint pain.
- Walking can improve balance and concentration.

Another important aspect of walking is to stretch out before you begin your walk. Loosen up those legs and arms before you get started.
5 Health Benefits of Stretching
- Stretching activates the parasympathetic nervous system. This system is responsible for rest and digestion. It can promote relaxation and calm feelings.
- Stretching increases blood flow.
- Stretching allows more blood flow to the extremities.
- Stretching can help prevent muscle and tendon injuries.
- Stretching releases endorphins which can help improve mood and reduce pain.
Before you start walking make sure you have a comfortable pair of shoes. They don’t need to be anything fancy or expensive. They need to be a comfortable fit and offer support for your feet. Wearing properly fitting shoes will reduce your chances of stumbling and falling.
As you walk make sure you check your posture. Is your back straight? Are you slumped forward? All of these things can affect your walk. Leaning too far forward will cause you to stumble. Not standing straight can cause back pain.

Start slow don’t fatigue yourself on your first walk. Take it slow and easy. I started with a short walk and now, I walk three to four miles daily. I don’t walk during the heat of the day I will either go early in the morning or in the evening when the sun starts to set. Slowly increase your distance each week. Keep it at a comfortable pace, don’t overdo it. Sometimes we get discouraged if we overdo it and you can cause injury too.
Enjoy your surroundings as you walk, listen to the birds sing, and watch the rabbits and the squirrels play. Look at the trees, stay in the moment.
Happy trails,