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Monthly Archives: March 2017

Bacon and Egg Bake Casserole

 Bacon and Egg Bake Casserole I am so happy that spring has arrived. The days are getting longer and warmer. Some days I get off work at 6:30 PM and it would already be getting dark outside, but not now. It’s staying light until 8:00

Tuna Salad Sandwich with Egg

Tuna Salad Sandwich with Egg  (Updated Post) In the summer we like to eat light. We will have lots of salads. I like making a batch of Tuna Salad, you can either make a sandwich or put it on top of a bed of lettuce.

Simple Homemade Chicken Pot Pie

I hadn’t eaten a chicken pot pie since I was a kid. It wasn’t homemade, it was a grocery store frozen pot pie. It was simple to make, all you had to do was pop it in the oven, sixty minutes later it was ready to be