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Tag Archives: strawberries

Simple Strawberry Cheesecake Parfait

I absolutely love strawberry cheesecake! Well, I do now, when I was younger I wouldn’t even try the cheesecake. Cheese and cake didn’t sound like they belonged together. I decided the time had come to be more adventurous and taste a bite, haha, I was

Strawberry Banana Bread

Spring is here, finally and around here it means that strawberries will be one sale. Plus before you know it, it’ll be time to pick your own. I can’t wait! Both my grand kids are old enough to help pick them this year. I have

Strawberry Oatmeal Cookies

Spring is coming soon, believe it or not. It’s been a very long winter. With the coming of spring we will be having lots of strawberries at great prices. This week they were priced $1.00 a quart. That is an awesome price. I made these

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Fresh Strawberry Freezer Jam

Today I was able to get a good deal on some strawberries, so thought I would make up some freezer jam. Doesn’t that sound good? It’s super easy. No messy canning equipment. I freeze it in small jars. This way I have less waste. You can use

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Spinach Salad with Lingonberry Dressing

Lingonberries? Have you heard of them? I had never heard of them until I caught an episode of Dr Oz a while back. He was introducing a new super-fruit called the Lingonberry. It’s also known as a cow-berry. It’s related to the cranberry, bilberry and